\Ex Machina\data\profiles\<Твой профиль>\
"Plymouth" писал(а):
Сан_Саныч, хочешь сказать, что ты смог встретиться с Феликсом?
"Plymouth" писал(а):
свои сейвы запаковать в архив и сбросить мне?
"MATT" писал(а):
хочешь сказать, что ты смог встретиться с Феликсом?
эмммм... плим, эт я был)))
"Plymouth" писал(а):
Сан_Саныч встретился с Феликсом. Я сделал вывод потому, что он перешел с Края на Фатерлянд.
"Plymouth" писал(а):
Так что придется тебе ставить игру, for the great justice!
"Plymouth" писал(а):
вычищал игру и ставил по-новой
"Plymouth" писал(а):
ни в HTA, ни в EM с kto mod'ом
"MATT" писал(а):
а моё сообщение проигнорировал?)))
"MATT" писал(а):
я имел в виду игру с начала начни
"MATT" писал(а):
и попробуй + Kraycity
"MATT" писал(а):
а вообще приготовь сэйвы
Как он писал в другой теме, так что дело не только в его солянке.Цитата:
Чистая игра, чистый kto mod. В этой же точке зависает... Видит Черный Сталкер - не моя вина.
"leangle" писал(а):
Плим, у тебя ж пиратка
---------------------------------------------- Log begins on Sun Jul 31 20:31:13 2011 ----------------------------------------------
I m3dapp.cpp[0088]31/07 20:31:13 Starting up...
I m3dapp.cpp[1498]31/07 20:31:13 ExMachina - release version release build v1.02 (Dec 21 2005 12:15:10)
I Stackwalker.cpp[0608]31/07 20:31:13 Stackwalker: log file name will be 'd:/ex machina/exceptions/exmachina.exe0008.log'
I Stackwalker.cpp[0609]31/07 20:31:13 Stackwalker: dump file name will be 'd:/ex machina/exceptions/exmachina.exe0008.dmp'
I Stackwalker.cpp[0610]31/07 20:31:13 Stackwalker: game log file name will be 'd:/ex machina/exceptions/exmachina.exe0008_game.log'
I m3dapp.cpp[1391]31/07 20:31:13 Path: D:\Ex Machina
I m3dapp.cpp[1392]31/07 20:31:13 Exe: D:\Ex Machina\ExMachina.exe
I m3dapp.cpp[1401]31/07 20:31:13 Windows version: 5.1.2600
I m3dapp.cpp[1410]31/07 20:31:13 Computer name: COMPUTER
I m3dapp.cpp[1430]31/07 20:31:13 Cpu: GenuineIntel
I m3dapp.cpp[1434]31/07 20:31:13 Cpu clock: ~1729
I m3dapp.cpp[1459]31/07 20:31:13 Processor is mmx able
I m3dapp.cpp[1470]31/07 20:31:13 Physical memory: 1023 MB
I m3dapp.cpp[1471]31/07 20:31:13 Total memory: 2047 MB
I m3dapp.cpp[1472]31/07 20:31:13 Physical memory available: 1023 MB
I m3dapp.cpp[1473]31/07 20:31:13 Total memory available: 1612 MB
I m3dapp.cpp[2846]31/07 20:31:13 SetCodepage -- using codepage 1251 '1251 (ANSI - кириллица)'
I m3dapp.cpp[2154]31/07 20:31:13 NOTE! renderer is bind to dxrender9.dll
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:13 d3d: Given device behavior: 80
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:13 d3d: Confirmed device behavior: 80
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Description: Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Driver: igdumdx32.dll
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: VendorId: 0x8086
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: DeviceId: 0x2a02
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: SubSysId: 0xff641179
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Revision: 3
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Driver version info:
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Product: 8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Version: 15
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: SubVersion: 10
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Build: 1825
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: WHQLLevel: 0
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Texture max size: 4096x4096
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Guard band: (-8192.000,-8192.000,8192.000,8192.000)
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: MaxTextureBlendStages: 8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: MaxSimultaneousTextures: 8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: MaxActiveLights: 10
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: MaxUserClipPlanes: 6
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: VertexShaderVersion: 0xfffe0300
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: PixelShaderVersion: 0xffff0300
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Geometry instancing: supported
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Depth bias supported: yes
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Slope-scale based depth bias supported: yes
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: HwRasterization: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: HwTnL: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: PureDevice: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: CubeMap: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: VolumeMap: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: TextureAddressCaps:
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: wrap: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: clamp: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: border: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Projective textures: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: MaxPointSize: 256.000
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: MaxPrimitiveCount: 1048575
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: MaxVertexIndex: 16777215
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: MaxStreams: 16
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: MaxStreamsStride: 255
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: MaxAnisotropy: 16
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: MaxVertexBlendMatrices: 4
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: MaxVertexBlendMatrixIndex: 8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: FullScreenGamma: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: COLORWRITEENABLE: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: MASKZ: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: BLENDOP: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: CLIPPLANESCALEDPOINTS: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: CLIPTLVERTS: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: TSSARGTEMP: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: DIRECTIONALLIGHTS: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: LOCALVIEWER: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: POSITIONALLIGHTS: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: TEXGEN: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: TWEENING: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Dp3: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Lerp: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: MaxNpatchTessellationLevel: 0.000
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Query VCACHE support: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Query EVENT support: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Query OCCLUSION support: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Query TIMESTAMP support: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Query TIMESTAMPDISJOINT support: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Query TIMESTAMPFREQ support: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Query PIPELINETIMINGS support: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Query INTERFACETIMINGS support: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Query VERTEXTIMINGS support: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Query PIXELTIMINGS support: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Query BANDWIDTHTIMINGS support: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Query CACHEUTILIZATION support: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Creating or resetting the device
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Back buffer format: X8R8G8B8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Depth/stencil buffer format: D24S8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Stenciling: off
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Rgba textures format: DXT5
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Rgba no c. textures format: A8R8G8B8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: RgbA textures format: DXT5
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: RgbA no c. textures format: A4R4G4B4
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Rt textures format: A8R8G8B8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Shadow textures format: R5G6B5
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 20:31:14 d3d: Rt depth format: D16
I m3dapp.cpp[2206]31/07 20:31:14 NOTE! input is bind to input_di8.dll
I m3dapp.cpp[1938]31/07 20:31:14 NOTE! sound is bind to sound.dll
I m3dapp.cpp[1350]31/07 20:31:14 input: Joystick not found
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 20:31:15 snd: Max sound channels available: 128
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 20:31:15 snd: Sound is inited successfully
I font.cpp[0976]31/07 20:31:15 FontManager: fonts are loaded successfully
I gameimpulse.cpp[0288]31/07 20:31:15 Key bindings: were inited successfully
I view32.cpp[0705]31/07 20:31:15 --- Init Media ---
I GameUiManager.cpp[0303]31/07 20:31:16 Interface: is initializing...
I GameUiManager.cpp[1580]31/07 20:31:16 Interface: clearing resource infos ...
I GameUiManager.cpp[1491]31/07 20:31:16 Interface: loading resource infos ...
I GameUiManager.cpp[1603]31/07 20:31:16 Interface: loading resources ...
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 20:31:16 snd: Error: Can't Open SoundFile:
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 20:31:16 snd: Cannot open sound stream from file . Error: File not found, flags: 8272
I GameUiManager.cpp[0395]31/07 20:31:16 Interface: is inited successfully
I LevelInfo.cpp[0806]31/07 20:31:16 Level infos were loaded successfully from file data\if\diz\LevelInfo.xml
I LevelInfo.cpp[0747]31/07 20:31:16 LevelInfoManager was inited successfully
I TruxxUiManager.cpp[0191]31/07 20:31:16 TruxxUiManager: was inited successfully
I gameimpulse.cpp[0618]31/07 20:31:18 Key bindings: unbind all is done
I gameimpulse.cpp[0324]31/07 20:31:18 Key bindings: were loaded successfully from file data\scripts\DefaultKeyBindings.lua
I gameimpulse.cpp[1194]31/07 20:31:18 Key bindings: were bind from defaults
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 20:31:18 FAILED(hr=80040255) in pGB->Render
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 20:31:19 FAILED(hr=80040255) in pGB->Render
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 20:31:19 FAILED(hr=80040255) in RenderOutputPins( g_pGB, g_pReader )
I view32_video.cpp[0061]31/07 20:31:19 Error: couldn't load video 'data\video\logobuka.wmv'
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 20:31:19 FAILED(hr=80040255) in pGB->Render
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 20:31:19 FAILED(hr=80040255) in pGB->Render
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 20:31:19 FAILED(hr=80040255) in RenderOutputPins( g_pGB, g_pReader )
I view32_video.cpp[0061]31/07 20:31:19 Error: couldn't load video 'data\video\logotargem.wmv'
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 20:31:20 FAILED(hr=80040255) in pGB->Render
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 20:31:20 FAILED(hr=80040255) in pGB->Render
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 20:31:20 FAILED(hr=80040255) in RenderOutputPins( g_pGB, g_pReader )
I view32_video.cpp[0061]31/07 20:31:20 Error: couldn't load video 'data\video\INTRO_RUS_FIELD.wmv'
I m3dapp.cpp[1808]31/07 20:31:20 ----------------------- Engine inited in: 0
I Profile.cpp[1017]31/07 20:31:20 ProfileManager::GetProfileFiles warning - profile folder is not found
I Profile.cpp[0807]31/07 20:31:20 ProfileManager::LoadProfiles error - cannot load profile files
I Profile.cpp[0602]31/07 20:31:23 Profile "rer435" set
I gameimpulse.cpp[0618]31/07 20:31:23 Key bindings: unbind all is done
I scriptlet.cpp[0045]31/07 20:31:23 Could not open script file data\profiles\rer435\keybindings.lua
I gameimpulse.cpp[0318]31/07 20:31:23 Key bindings: loading error - (data\profiles\rer435\keybindings.lua @ 0): file not found or could not be read
I gameimpulse.cpp[1217]31/07 20:31:23 Key bindings: error loading from profile file; load defaults instead
I gameimpulse.cpp[0618]31/07 20:31:23 Key bindings: unbind all is done
I gameimpulse.cpp[0324]31/07 20:31:23 Key bindings: were loaded successfully from file data\scripts\DefaultKeyBindings.lua
I gameimpulse.cpp[1194]31/07 20:31:23 Key bindings: were bind from defaults
I TruxxUiManager.cpp[1422]31/07 20:31:23 Game mode changed. Old mode = 3, new mode = 2
I SplashWnd.cpp[0244]31/07 20:31:26 Start splashing 11
I TruxxUiManager.cpp[1422]31/07 20:31:26 Game mode changed. Old mode = 2, new mode = 0
I GameUiManager.cpp[0405]31/07 20:31:26 Interface: is clearing...
I GameUiManager.cpp[0495]31/07 20:31:26 Interface: is cleared successfully
I view32.cpp[1048]31/07 20:31:26 -- Loading Level: data\maps\r1m1.ssl --
I world.cpp[0132]31/07 20:31:26 ----------------------- World Loading
F landscape.cpp[1674]31/07 20:31:26 +- Enter function: Landscape::Load()
I landscape.cpp[1911]31/07 20:31:26 | ----------------------- Normal map loaded in: 27
I landscape.cpp[1920]31/07 20:31:26 | ----------------------- Tiles loaded in: 197
I landscape.cpp[1944]31/07 20:31:27 | ----------------------- ShoreLine loaded in: 1
F landscape.cpp[1944]31/07 20:31:27 +- Exit function: Landscape::Load()
I world.cpp[0169]31/07 20:31:27 ----------------------- Landscape loaded in: 669
I DataServer.cpp[0587]31/07 20:31:27 Loading Servers: data\maps\r1m1\servers.xml
E serverAnimatedModel.cpp[0627]31/07 20:31:46 ServerAnimatedModels: cannot read file: file:data\models\AnimModels.xml id = pTurbo
I serverAnimatedModel.cpp[0630]31/07 20:31:46 ### Total time: 19235, GAM time: 16786
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 20:31:49 snd: Warning: 3D sound must be mono: 'data\sounds\Shooting\SmallGun\pfagot_shoot.wav'
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 20:31:49 snd: Warning: Invalid frequency: 44100 for sample 'data\sounds\Shooting\SmallGun\pfagot_shoot.wav'
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 20:31:49 snd: Warning: 3D sound must be mono: 'data\sounds\Shooting\BigGun\pomega_shoot.wav'
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 20:31:49 snd: Warning: Invalid frequency: 44100 for sample 'data\sounds\Shooting\BigGun\pomega_shoot.wav'
E serverSound.cpp[0293]31/07 20:31:50 MusicServer: cannot read file: data\sounds\sounds.xml id = 'S_WOODVEHICLEHIT'
I DataServer.cpp[0587]31/07 20:31:50 Loading Servers: data\models\commonservers.xml
---------------------------------------------- Log begins on Sun Jul 31 21:36:42 2011 ----------------------------------------------
I m3dapp.cpp[0088]31/07 21:36:42 Starting up...
I m3dapp.cpp[1498]31/07 21:36:42 ExMachina - release version release build v1.02 (Dec 21 2005 12:15:10)
I Stackwalker.cpp[0608]31/07 21:36:42 Stackwalker: log file name will be 'd:/ex machina/exceptions/exmachina.exe0000.log'
I Stackwalker.cpp[0609]31/07 21:36:42 Stackwalker: dump file name will be 'd:/ex machina/exceptions/exmachina.exe0000.dmp'
I Stackwalker.cpp[0610]31/07 21:36:42 Stackwalker: game log file name will be 'd:/ex machina/exceptions/exmachina.exe0000_game.log'
I m3dapp.cpp[1391]31/07 21:36:43 Path: D:\Ex Machina
I m3dapp.cpp[1392]31/07 21:36:43 Exe: D:\Ex Machina\ExMachina.exe
I m3dapp.cpp[1401]31/07 21:36:43 Windows version: 5.1.2600
I m3dapp.cpp[1410]31/07 21:36:43 Computer name: COMPUTER
I m3dapp.cpp[1430]31/07 21:36:43 Cpu: GenuineIntel
I m3dapp.cpp[1434]31/07 21:36:43 Cpu clock: ~1729
I m3dapp.cpp[1459]31/07 21:36:43 Processor is mmx able
I m3dapp.cpp[1470]31/07 21:36:43 Physical memory: 1023 MB
I m3dapp.cpp[1471]31/07 21:36:43 Total memory: 2047 MB
I m3dapp.cpp[1472]31/07 21:36:43 Physical memory available: 1023 MB
I m3dapp.cpp[1473]31/07 21:36:43 Total memory available: 1612 MB
I m3dapp.cpp[2846]31/07 21:36:43 SetCodepage -- using codepage 1251 '1251 (ANSI - кириллица)'
I m3dapp.cpp[2154]31/07 21:36:43 NOTE! renderer is bind to dxrender9.dll
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:43 d3d: Given device behavior: 80
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:43 d3d: Confirmed device behavior: 80
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Description: Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Driver: igdumdx32.dll
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: VendorId: 0x8086
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: DeviceId: 0x2a02
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: SubSysId: 0xff641179
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Revision: 3
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Driver version info:
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Product: 8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Version: 15
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: SubVersion: 10
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Build: 1825
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: WHQLLevel: 0
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Texture max size: 4096x4096
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Guard band: (-8192.000,-8192.000,8192.000,8192.000)
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: MaxTextureBlendStages: 8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: MaxSimultaneousTextures: 8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: MaxActiveLights: 10
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: MaxUserClipPlanes: 6
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: VertexShaderVersion: 0xfffe0300
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: PixelShaderVersion: 0xffff0300
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Geometry instancing: supported
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Depth bias supported: yes
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Slope-scale based depth bias supported: yes
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: HwRasterization: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: HwTnL: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: PureDevice: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: CubeMap: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: VolumeMap: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: TextureAddressCaps:
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: wrap: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: clamp: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: border: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Projective textures: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: MaxPointSize: 256.000
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: MaxPrimitiveCount: 1048575
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: MaxVertexIndex: 16777215
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: MaxStreams: 16
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: MaxStreamsStride: 255
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: MaxAnisotropy: 16
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: MaxVertexBlendMatrices: 4
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: MaxVertexBlendMatrixIndex: 8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: FullScreenGamma: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: COLORWRITEENABLE: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: MASKZ: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: BLENDOP: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: CLIPPLANESCALEDPOINTS: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: CLIPTLVERTS: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: TSSARGTEMP: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: DIRECTIONALLIGHTS: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: LOCALVIEWER: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: POSITIONALLIGHTS: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: TEXGEN: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: TWEENING: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Dp3: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Lerp: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: MaxNpatchTessellationLevel: 0.000
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Query VCACHE support: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Query EVENT support: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Query OCCLUSION support: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Query TIMESTAMP support: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Query TIMESTAMPDISJOINT support: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Query TIMESTAMPFREQ support: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Query PIPELINETIMINGS support: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Query INTERFACETIMINGS support: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Query VERTEXTIMINGS support: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Query PIXELTIMINGS support: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Query BANDWIDTHTIMINGS support: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Query CACHEUTILIZATION support: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Creating or resetting the device
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Back buffer format: X8R8G8B8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Depth/stencil buffer format: D24S8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Stenciling: off
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Rgba textures format: DXT5
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Rgba no c. textures format: A8R8G8B8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: RgbA textures format: DXT5
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: RgbA no c. textures format: A4R4G4B4
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Rt textures format: A8R8G8B8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Shadow textures format: R5G6B5
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:36:44 d3d: Rt depth format: D16
I m3dapp.cpp[2206]31/07 21:36:44 NOTE! input is bind to input_di8.dll
I m3dapp.cpp[1938]31/07 21:36:44 NOTE! sound is bind to sound.dll
I m3dapp.cpp[1350]31/07 21:36:44 input: Joystick not found
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 21:36:45 snd: Max sound channels available: 128
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 21:36:45 snd: Sound is inited successfully
I font.cpp[0976]31/07 21:36:45 FontManager: fonts are loaded successfully
I gameimpulse.cpp[0288]31/07 21:36:46 Key bindings: were inited successfully
I view32.cpp[0705]31/07 21:36:46 --- Init Media ---
I GameUiManager.cpp[0303]31/07 21:36:46 Interface: is initializing...
I GameUiManager.cpp[1580]31/07 21:36:46 Interface: clearing resource infos ...
I GameUiManager.cpp[1491]31/07 21:36:46 Interface: loading resource infos ...
I GameUiManager.cpp[1603]31/07 21:36:46 Interface: loading resources ...
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 21:36:46 snd: Error: Can't Open SoundFile:
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 21:36:46 snd: Cannot open sound stream from file . Error: File not found, flags: 8272
I GameUiManager.cpp[0395]31/07 21:36:47 Interface: is inited successfully
I LevelInfo.cpp[0806]31/07 21:36:47 Level infos were loaded successfully from file data\if\diz\LevelInfo.xml
I LevelInfo.cpp[0747]31/07 21:36:47 LevelInfoManager was inited successfully
I TruxxUiManager.cpp[0191]31/07 21:36:47 TruxxUiManager: was inited successfully
I gameimpulse.cpp[0618]31/07 21:36:48 Key bindings: unbind all is done
I gameimpulse.cpp[0324]31/07 21:36:48 Key bindings: were loaded successfully from file data\scripts\DefaultKeyBindings.lua
I gameimpulse.cpp[1194]31/07 21:36:48 Key bindings: were bind from defaults
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:36:49 FAILED(hr=80040255) in pGB->Render
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:36:49 FAILED(hr=80040255) in pGB->Render
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:36:49 FAILED(hr=80040255) in RenderOutputPins( g_pGB, g_pReader )
I view32_video.cpp[0061]31/07 21:36:49 Error: couldn't load video 'data\video\logobuka.wmv'
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:36:50 FAILED(hr=80040255) in pGB->Render
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:36:50 FAILED(hr=80040255) in pGB->Render
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:36:50 FAILED(hr=80040255) in RenderOutputPins( g_pGB, g_pReader )
I view32_video.cpp[0061]31/07 21:36:50 Error: couldn't load video 'data\video\logotargem.wmv'
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:36:51 FAILED(hr=80040255) in pGB->Render
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:36:51 FAILED(hr=80040255) in pGB->Render
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:36:51 FAILED(hr=80040255) in RenderOutputPins( g_pGB, g_pReader )
I view32_video.cpp[0061]31/07 21:36:51 Error: couldn't load video 'data\video\INTRO_RUS_FIELD.wmv'
I m3dapp.cpp[1808]31/07 21:36:51 ----------------------- Engine inited in: 0
I Profile.cpp[0602]31/07 21:36:51 Profile "dfasfdsa" set
I TruxxUiManager.cpp[1422]31/07 21:36:51 Game mode changed. Old mode = 3, new mode = 2
I gameimpulse.cpp[0618]31/07 21:36:51 Key bindings: unbind all is done
I scriptlet.cpp[0045]31/07 21:36:51 Could not open script file data\profiles\dfasfdsa\keybindings.lua
I gameimpulse.cpp[0318]31/07 21:36:51 Key bindings: loading error - (data\profiles\dfasfdsa\keybindings.lua @ 0): file not found or could not be read
I gameimpulse.cpp[1217]31/07 21:36:51 Key bindings: error loading from profile file; load defaults instead
I gameimpulse.cpp[0618]31/07 21:36:51 Key bindings: unbind all is done
I gameimpulse.cpp[0324]31/07 21:36:51 Key bindings: were loaded successfully from file data\scripts\DefaultKeyBindings.lua
I gameimpulse.cpp[1194]31/07 21:36:51 Key bindings: were bind from defaults
I SplashWnd.cpp[0244]31/07 21:36:54 Start splashing 11
I TruxxUiManager.cpp[1422]31/07 21:36:54 Game mode changed. Old mode = 2, new mode = 0
I GameUiManager.cpp[0405]31/07 21:36:54 Interface: is clearing...
I GameUiManager.cpp[0495]31/07 21:36:54 Interface: is cleared successfully
I view32.cpp[1048]31/07 21:36:54 -- Loading Level: data\maps\r1m1.ssl --
I world.cpp[0132]31/07 21:36:54 ----------------------- World Loading
F landscape.cpp[1674]31/07 21:36:54 +- Enter function: Landscape::Load()
I landscape.cpp[1911]31/07 21:36:54 | ----------------------- Normal map loaded in: 38
I landscape.cpp[1920]31/07 21:36:55 | ----------------------- Tiles loaded in: 305
I landscape.cpp[1944]31/07 21:36:55 | ----------------------- ShoreLine loaded in: 2
F landscape.cpp[1944]31/07 21:36:55 +- Exit function: Landscape::Load()
I world.cpp[0169]31/07 21:36:55 ----------------------- Landscape loaded in: 757
I DataServer.cpp[0587]31/07 21:36:55 Loading Servers: data\maps\r1m1\servers.xml
I serverAnimatedModel.cpp[0630]31/07 21:37:20 ### Total time: 25521, GAM time: 22962
E serverSound.cpp[0293]31/07 21:37:25 MusicServer: cannot read file: data\sounds\sounds.xml id = 'S_WOODVEHICLEHIT'
I DataServer.cpp[0587]31/07 21:37:25 Loading Servers: data\models\commonservers.xml
I world.cpp[0210]31/07 21:37:26 ----------------------- Servers loaded in: 30943
I world.cpp[0338]31/07 21:37:26 LoadWorld begin...
I world.cpp[0350]31/07 21:37:26 %%%% read/parse xml: 151
I world.cpp[0362]31/07 21:37:26 %%%% read from xml: 115
I world.cpp[0444]31/07 21:37:26 %%%% link nodes: 223
I world.cpp[0220]31/07 21:37:26 ----------------------- Nodes loaded in: 497
I world.cpp[0228]31/07 21:37:26 ----------------------- Prefabs loaded in: 0
---------------------------------------------- Log begins on Sun Jul 31 21:44:08 2011 ----------------------------------------------
I m3dapp.cpp[0088]31/07 21:44:08 Starting up...
I m3dapp.cpp[1498]31/07 21:44:08 ExMachina - release version release build v1.02 (Dec 21 2005 12:15:10)
I Stackwalker.cpp[0608]31/07 21:44:08 Stackwalker: log file name will be 'd:/ex machina/exceptions/exmachina.exe0002.log'
I Stackwalker.cpp[0609]31/07 21:44:08 Stackwalker: dump file name will be 'd:/ex machina/exceptions/exmachina.exe0002.dmp'
I Stackwalker.cpp[0610]31/07 21:44:08 Stackwalker: game log file name will be 'd:/ex machina/exceptions/exmachina.exe0002_game.log'
I m3dapp.cpp[1391]31/07 21:44:08 Path: D:\Ex Machina
I m3dapp.cpp[1392]31/07 21:44:08 Exe: D:\Ex Machina\ExMachina.exe
I m3dapp.cpp[1401]31/07 21:44:08 Windows version: 5.1.2600
I m3dapp.cpp[1410]31/07 21:44:08 Computer name: COMPUTER
I m3dapp.cpp[1430]31/07 21:44:08 Cpu: GenuineIntel
I m3dapp.cpp[1434]31/07 21:44:08 Cpu clock: ~1729
I m3dapp.cpp[1459]31/07 21:44:08 Processor is mmx able
I m3dapp.cpp[1470]31/07 21:44:08 Physical memory: 1023 MB
I m3dapp.cpp[1471]31/07 21:44:08 Total memory: 2047 MB
I m3dapp.cpp[1472]31/07 21:44:08 Physical memory available: 1023 MB
I m3dapp.cpp[1473]31/07 21:44:08 Total memory available: 1612 MB
I m3dapp.cpp[2846]31/07 21:44:08 SetCodepage -- using codepage 1251 '1251 (ANSI - кириллица)'
I m3dapp.cpp[2154]31/07 21:44:08 NOTE! renderer is bind to dxrender9.dll
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Given device behavior: 80
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Confirmed device behavior: 80
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Description: Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Driver: igdumdx32.dll
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: VendorId: 0x8086
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: DeviceId: 0x2a02
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: SubSysId: 0xff641179
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Revision: 3
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Driver version info:
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Product: 8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Version: 15
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: SubVersion: 10
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Build: 1825
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: WHQLLevel: 0
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Texture max size: 4096x4096
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Guard band: (-8192.000,-8192.000,8192.000,8192.000)
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: MaxTextureBlendStages: 8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: MaxSimultaneousTextures: 8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: MaxActiveLights: 10
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: MaxUserClipPlanes: 6
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: VertexShaderVersion: 0xfffe0300
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: PixelShaderVersion: 0xffff0300
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Geometry instancing: supported
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Depth bias supported: yes
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Slope-scale based depth bias supported: yes
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: HwRasterization: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: HwTnL: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: PureDevice: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: CubeMap: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: VolumeMap: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: TextureAddressCaps:
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: wrap: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: clamp: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: border: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Projective textures: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: MaxPointSize: 256.000
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: MaxPrimitiveCount: 1048575
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: MaxVertexIndex: 16777215
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: MaxStreams: 16
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: MaxStreamsStride: 255
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: MaxAnisotropy: 16
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: MaxVertexBlendMatrices: 4
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: MaxVertexBlendMatrixIndex: 8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: FullScreenGamma: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: COLORWRITEENABLE: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: MASKZ: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: BLENDOP: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: CLIPPLANESCALEDPOINTS: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: CLIPTLVERTS: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: TSSARGTEMP: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: DIRECTIONALLIGHTS: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: LOCALVIEWER: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: POSITIONALLIGHTS: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: TEXGEN: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: TWEENING: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Dp3: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Lerp: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: MaxNpatchTessellationLevel: 0.000
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Query VCACHE support: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Query EVENT support: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Query OCCLUSION support: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Query TIMESTAMP support: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Query TIMESTAMPDISJOINT support: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Query TIMESTAMPFREQ support: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Query PIPELINETIMINGS support: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Query INTERFACETIMINGS support: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Query VERTEXTIMINGS support: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Query PIXELTIMINGS support: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Query BANDWIDTHTIMINGS support: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Query CACHEUTILIZATION support: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Creating or resetting the device
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Back buffer format: X8R8G8B8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Depth/stencil buffer format: D24S8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Stenciling: off
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Rgba textures format: DXT5
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Rgba no c. textures format: A8R8G8B8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: RgbA textures format: DXT5
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: RgbA no c. textures format: A4R4G4B4
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Rt textures format: A8R8G8B8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Shadow textures format: R5G6B5
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:08 d3d: Rt depth format: D16
I m3dapp.cpp[2206]31/07 21:44:08 NOTE! input is bind to input_di8.dll
I m3dapp.cpp[1938]31/07 21:44:08 NOTE! sound is bind to sound.dll
I m3dapp.cpp[1350]31/07 21:44:09 input: Joystick not found
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 21:44:09 snd: Max sound channels available: 128
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 21:44:09 snd: Sound is inited successfully
I font.cpp[0976]31/07 21:44:09 FontManager: fonts are loaded successfully
I gameimpulse.cpp[0288]31/07 21:44:10 Key bindings: were inited successfully
I view32.cpp[0705]31/07 21:44:10 --- Init Media ---
I GameUiManager.cpp[0303]31/07 21:44:10 Interface: is initializing...
I GameUiManager.cpp[1580]31/07 21:44:10 Interface: clearing resource infos ...
I GameUiManager.cpp[1491]31/07 21:44:10 Interface: loading resource infos ...
I GameUiManager.cpp[1603]31/07 21:44:10 Interface: loading resources ...
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 21:44:11 snd: Error: Can't Open SoundFile:
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 21:44:11 snd: Cannot open sound stream from file . Error: File not found, flags: 8272
I GameUiManager.cpp[0395]31/07 21:44:11 Interface: is inited successfully
I LevelInfo.cpp[0806]31/07 21:44:11 Level infos were loaded successfully from file data\if\diz\LevelInfo.xml
I LevelInfo.cpp[0747]31/07 21:44:11 LevelInfoManager was inited successfully
I TruxxUiManager.cpp[0191]31/07 21:44:11 TruxxUiManager: was inited successfully
I gameimpulse.cpp[0618]31/07 21:44:12 Key bindings: unbind all is done
I gameimpulse.cpp[0324]31/07 21:44:12 Key bindings: were loaded successfully from file data\scripts\DefaultKeyBindings.lua
I gameimpulse.cpp[1194]31/07 21:44:12 Key bindings: were bind from defaults
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:44:13 FAILED(hr=80040255) in pGB->Render
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:44:13 FAILED(hr=80040255) in pGB->Render
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:44:13 FAILED(hr=80040255) in RenderOutputPins( g_pGB, g_pReader )
I view32_video.cpp[0061]31/07 21:44:13 Error: couldn't load video 'data\video\logobuka.wmv'
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:44:14 FAILED(hr=80040255) in pGB->Render
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:44:14 FAILED(hr=80040255) in pGB->Render
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:44:14 FAILED(hr=80040255) in RenderOutputPins( g_pGB, g_pReader )
I view32_video.cpp[0061]31/07 21:44:14 Error: couldn't load video 'data\video\logotargem.wmv'
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:44:15 FAILED(hr=80040255) in pGB->Render
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:44:15 FAILED(hr=80040255) in pGB->Render
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:44:15 FAILED(hr=80040255) in RenderOutputPins( g_pGB, g_pReader )
I view32_video.cpp[0061]31/07 21:44:15 Error: couldn't load video 'data\video\INTRO_RUS_FIELD.wmv'
I m3dapp.cpp[1808]31/07 21:44:15 ----------------------- Engine inited in: 0
I Profile.cpp[0602]31/07 21:44:15 Profile "dfasfdsa" set
I TruxxUiManager.cpp[1422]31/07 21:44:15 Game mode changed. Old mode = 3, new mode = 2
I gameimpulse.cpp[0618]31/07 21:44:15 Key bindings: unbind all is done
I scriptlet.cpp[0045]31/07 21:44:15 Could not open script file data\profiles\dfasfdsa\keybindings.lua
I gameimpulse.cpp[0318]31/07 21:44:15 Key bindings: loading error - (data\profiles\dfasfdsa\keybindings.lua @ 0): file not found or could not be read
I gameimpulse.cpp[1217]31/07 21:44:15 Key bindings: error loading from profile file; load defaults instead
I gameimpulse.cpp[0618]31/07 21:44:15 Key bindings: unbind all is done
I gameimpulse.cpp[0324]31/07 21:44:15 Key bindings: were loaded successfully from file data\scripts\DefaultKeyBindings.lua
I gameimpulse.cpp[1194]31/07 21:44:15 Key bindings: were bind from defaults
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:44:45 d3d: Device reset ok
I SplashWnd.cpp[0244]31/07 21:44:46 Start splashing 11
I TruxxUiManager.cpp[1422]31/07 21:44:46 Game mode changed. Old mode = 2, new mode = 0
I GameUiManager.cpp[0405]31/07 21:44:47 Interface: is clearing...
I GameUiManager.cpp[0495]31/07 21:44:47 Interface: is cleared successfully
I view32.cpp[1048]31/07 21:44:47 -- Loading Level: data\maps\r1m1.ssl --
I world.cpp[0132]31/07 21:44:47 ----------------------- World Loading
F landscape.cpp[1674]31/07 21:44:47 +- Enter function: Landscape::Load()
I landscape.cpp[1911]31/07 21:44:47 | ----------------------- Normal map loaded in: 72
I landscape.cpp[1920]31/07 21:44:48 | ----------------------- Tiles loaded in: 245
I landscape.cpp[1944]31/07 21:44:48 | ----------------------- ShoreLine loaded in: 9
F landscape.cpp[1944]31/07 21:44:48 +- Exit function: Landscape::Load()
I world.cpp[0169]31/07 21:44:48 ----------------------- Landscape loaded in: 784
I DataServer.cpp[0587]31/07 21:44:48 Loading Servers: data\maps\r1m1\servers.xml
E serverAnimatedModel.cpp[0627]31/07 21:45:16 ServerAnimatedModels: cannot read file: file:data\models\AnimModels.xml id = pTurbo
I serverAnimatedModel.cpp[0630]31/07 21:45:16 ### Total time: 27550, GAM time: 25059
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 21:45:20 snd: Warning: 3D sound must be mono: 'data\sounds\Shooting\SmallGun\pfagot_shoot.wav'
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 21:45:20 snd: Warning: Invalid frequency: 44100 for sample 'data\sounds\Shooting\SmallGun\pfagot_shoot.wav'
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 21:45:20 snd: Warning: 3D sound must be mono: 'data\sounds\Shooting\BigGun\pomega_shoot.wav'
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 21:45:20 snd: Warning: Invalid frequency: 44100 for sample 'data\sounds\Shooting\BigGun\pomega_shoot.wav'
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 21:45:20 snd: Cannot load sound sample from file data\sounds\Driving\Horns\horn08.wav. Error: An invalid parameter was passed to this function
I serverSound.cpp[0622]31/07 21:45:20 SoundServer: cannot add sound data\sounds\Driving\Horns\horn08.wav
I serverSound.cpp[0546]31/07 21:45:20 DataServer: cannot read data\sounds\Driving\Horns\horn08.wav id = S_HORN08
E serverSound.cpp[0293]31/07 21:45:21 MusicServer: cannot read file: data\sounds\sounds.xml id = 'S_WOODVEHICLEHIT'
I DataServer.cpp[0587]31/07 21:45:21 Loading Servers: data\models\commonservers.xml
I serialization.cpp[0374]31/07 21:45:23 ReadFromXmlNode: GetItemByName for name = PS_VEN_PART_BIG_EXP42 failed for node ggg2. Taking a 0 model.
I serialization.cpp[0374]31/07 21:45:23 ReadFromXmlNode: GetItemByName for name = PS_VEN_PART_BIG_EXP45 failed for node ggg5. Taking a 0 model.
I serialization.cpp[0374]31/07 21:45:23 ReadFromXmlNode: GetItemByName for name = PS_VEN_PART_BIG_EXP48 failed for node ggg8. Taking a 0 model.
I serialization.cpp[0374]31/07 21:45:23 ReadFromXmlNode: GetItemByName for name = PS_DRONE_TRAIL failed for node Object1. Taking a 0 model.
I serialization.cpp[0374]31/07 21:45:23 ReadFromXmlNode: GetItemByName for name = PS_VEH_EXP_SMOKE failed for node Object3. Taking a 0 model.
I world.cpp[0210]31/07 21:45:23 ----------------------- Servers loaded in: 35165
I world.cpp[0338]31/07 21:45:23 LoadWorld begin...
I world.cpp[0350]31/07 21:45:23 %%%% read/parse xml: 166
I world.cpp[0362]31/07 21:45:23 %%%% read from xml: 187
I world.cpp[0444]31/07 21:45:24 %%%% link nodes: 282
I world.cpp[0220]31/07 21:45:24 ----------------------- Nodes loaded in: 643
I world.cpp[0228]31/07 21:45:24 ----------------------- Prefabs loaded in: 1
I world.cpp[0247]31/07 21:45:24 ----------------------- World loaded in: 37161
I world.cpp[0278]31/07 21:45:26 ----------------------- Roads loaded in: 1724
I view32.cpp[1078]31/07 21:45:26 Load Server begin...
I Reply.cpp[0415]31/07 21:45:26 Replies were loaded successfully from file data\if\diz\DialogsGlobal.xml
I Reply.cpp[0415]31/07 21:45:26 Replies were loaded successfully from file data\if\diz\DynamicDialogsGlobal.xml
I Reply.cpp[0343]31/07 21:45:26 RepliesManager was inited successfully
I GameUiManager.cpp[1603]31/07 21:45:26 Interface: loading resources ...
I ObjectsIcons.cpp[0198]31/07 21:45:29 ObjectsIcons::AddIcon warning - ico with id SpeedPointer already exists and wiil be replaced
I GameUiManager.cpp[1603]31/07 21:45:31 Interface: loading resources ...
I TruxxUiManager.cpp[0974]31/07 21:45:31 Interface: is loaded successfully
I server.cpp[0789]31/07 21:45:31 AI: Loading Server...
I server.cpp[0796]31/07 21:45:31 AI: Loading Relationship
I Relationship.cpp[0134]31/07 21:45:31 File readed
I server.cpp[0801]31/07 21:45:31 AI: Loading SoilProps
I server.cpp[0804]31/07 21:45:31 AI: Loading ExternalPaths
I server.cpp[0807]31/07 21:45:31 AI: Loading PlayerPassMap
I server.cpp[0813]31/07 21:45:31 AI: Loading GameObjects
E PrototypeManager.cpp[0268]31/07 21:45:31 Error: cannot parse data/gamedata/gameobjects/Infection.xml ( Error reading Element value. )
E PrototypeInfo.cpp[0066]31/07 21:45:31 Error: invalid ResourceType: 'SUBMARINE' for prototype 'SubmarinaLive'
I Gadget.cpp[0075]31/07 21:45:31 Warning: Unknown firing type: 'Energia' for GadgetPrototypeInfo name = 'cooling_system_energy'
I Gadget.cpp[0075]31/07 21:45:31 Warning: Unknown firing type: 'Energia' for GadgetPrototypeInfo name = 'firing_rate_energy'
I Gadget.cpp[0075]31/07 21:45:31 Warning: Unknown firing type: 'Energia' for GadgetPrototypeInfo name = 'add_damage_energy'
I Gadget.cpp[0075]31/07 21:45:31 Warning: Unknown firing type: 'Energia' for GadgetPrototypeInfo name = 'cooling_system_energy2'
I Gadget.cpp[0075]31/07 21:45:31 Warning: Unknown firing type: 'Energia' for GadgetPrototypeInfo name = 'firing_rate_energy2'
I Gadget.cpp[0075]31/07 21:45:31 Warning: Unknown firing type: 'Energia' for GadgetPrototypeInfo name = 'add_damage_energy2'
I Gadget.cpp[0075]31/07 21:45:31 Warning: Unknown firing type: 'Energia' for GadgetPrototypeInfo name = 'cooling_system_energy_and_firing_rate_energy'
I Gadget.cpp[0075]31/07 21:45:31 Warning: Unknown firing type: 'Energia' for GadgetPrototypeInfo name = 'cooling_system_energy_and_firing_rate_energy'
I Gadget.cpp[0075]31/07 21:45:31 Warning: Unknown firing type: 'Energia' for GadgetPrototypeInfo name = 'firing_rate_energy_and_add_damage_energy'
I Gadget.cpp[0075]31/07 21:45:31 Warning: Unknown firing type: 'Energia' for GadgetPrototypeInfo name = 'firing_rate_energy_and_add_damage_energy'
I Gadget.cpp[0075]31/07 21:45:31 Warning: Unknown firing type: 'Energia' for GadgetPrototypeInfo name = 'add_damage_energy_and_firing_rate_energy'
I Gadget.cpp[0075]31/07 21:45:31 Warning: Unknown firing type: 'Energia' for GadgetPrototypeInfo name = 'add_damage_energy_and_firing_rate_energy'
I Gun.cpp[0159]31/07 21:45:32 Warning: Unknown firing type: 'Energia' for PlasmaBunchLauncherPrototypeInfo name = 'pfagot01'
I server.cpp[0816]31/07 21:45:32 AI: Initializing VehicleGeneratorInfoCache
I server.cpp[0820]31/07 21:45:32 AI: Refreshing GameObjects
E PrototypeManager.cpp[0268]31/07 21:45:32 Error: cannot parse data/gamedata/gameobjects/Infection.xml ( Error reading Element value. )
E VehiclePart.cpp[0138]31/07 21:45:33 Error: collision geom in vehicle part name = 'heavy_dot1' is not BOX
I server.cpp[0824]31/07 21:45:33 AI: Loading QuestStates
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'FindGomerA_Quest1' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'Human1_Quest1' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'Human1_Quest2' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'q_PWS1' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'q_PWS2' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'q_PlaceWithSign' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r3m2_OracleMemory' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r3m1_LureMainDriud' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r3m1_ClearSanctuary' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r3m1_KnowAboutUluk' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r3m1_RescueUlukCivil' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'q_VisitDruid' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r2m2_Znaki2_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r2m2_HeadsHunterQuest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r2m2_OldDvigatel1_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r2m2_OldDvigatel2_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r2m2_FightFelix' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r2m2_ReturnToMarecciaFromCastle' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r2m2_FightWithAxelInArena_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r2m2_FindLisAfterAxelAndFatherDie_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r2m2_ToLisaToMonastir' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r2m1_ArtAntipod_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r2m1_TakeNarcotics_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r2m1_KillGodFather_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'd_GetSupportOneOfTheBands2_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'd_GetSupportOneOfTheBands1_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'd_FindVerbInAR_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'd_FindVerbInSNG_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'd_TakeGeneralOfBandits_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'FindGomerB_Quest1' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'TraiderStorage_Quest1' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'FreeExtremistLeader_Quest1' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'KillExtremist_Quest1' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r1m4_TalkWithOldTraderAboutSecondDisk' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'q_FindHusbent' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r1m3_BonnyAndKlideQuest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r1m3_ArchHelp' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r1m3_OldTownOutsiderCar_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r1m3_CrazyManQuest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'd_RideAcrossBase_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'd_GiveMoneyToBase_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'd_BombShahtsAtakBandits_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'd_GetBomb_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'd_IntrigaOfMerMinin_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'd_MoveFreelancersToOilMine_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'd_MoveCanistraToMinin_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'd_OpenTunel_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r1m3_TW_OralceAboutAlien' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'd_PayWorkersMoney_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'WhereSigns_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'CombatInKollizey_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'BuyKollizey_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'Kollizey_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'HelpRuins_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'DestroyRuins_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'Signs_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'koldunquest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'koldunquest2' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'Kolizei_bitva' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r1m2_TW_BanAboutAlien' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r1m3_DestroyOracle' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'WorkGiver_Quest1' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'd_PunishBandits_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r1m1_Hospital_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r1m1_Botanik_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r1m1_FindBotanik_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'r1m1_DostavKazel_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'MikolaWork' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'killkreditor2' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'killkreditor' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'Buyer_Quest1' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'TalkWithFather_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'd_Lisa_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'FindBen_Quest' can be given now
I QuestState.cpp[0904]31/07 21:45:33 Quest 'd_SinFather_Quest' can be given now
I server.cpp[0826]31/07 21:45:33 AI: QuestStates loaded
I server.cpp[0828]31/07 21:45:33 AI: Loading DynamicScene
I DynamicScene.cpp[1470]31/07 21:45:34 Scene loading begin
E DynamicScene.cpp[1589]31/07 21:45:34 Attempting to load object Kazel of prototype NPC, but an object with this name already exists!
E DynamicScene.cpp[1589]31/07 21:45:34 Attempting to load object Mikola of prototype NPC, but an object with this name already exists!
E PrototypeManager.cpp[0111]31/07 21:45:34 Error: No prototype 'InfectionZone' registered
E DynamicScene.cpp[1555]31/07 21:45:34 Error: unknown prototype in DynamicScene.xml: 'InfectionZone'
E PrototypeManager.cpp[0111]31/07 21:45:34 Error: No prototype 'InfectionZone' registered
E DynamicScene.cpp[1555]31/07 21:45:34 Error: unknown prototype in DynamicScene.xml: 'InfectionZone'
E PrototypeManager.cpp[0111]31/07 21:45:34 Error: No prototype 'InfectionZone' registered
E DynamicScene.cpp[1555]31/07 21:45:34 Error: unknown prototype in DynamicScene.xml: 'InfectionZone'
E PrototypeManager.cpp[0111]31/07 21:45:34 Error: No prototype 'InfectionZone' registered
E DynamicScene.cpp[1555]31/07 21:45:34 Error: unknown prototype in DynamicScene.xml: 'InfectionZone'
E PrototypeManager.cpp[0111]31/07 21:45:34 Error: No prototype 'InfectionZone' registered
E DynamicScene.cpp[1555]31/07 21:45:34 Error: unknown prototype in DynamicScene.xml: 'InfectionZone'
E PrototypeManager.cpp[0111]31/07 21:45:34 Error: No prototype 'InfectionZone' registered
E DynamicScene.cpp[1555]31/07 21:45:34 Error: unknown prototype in DynamicScene.xml: 'InfectionZone'
---------------------------------------------- Log begins on Sun Jul 31 21:51:01 2011 ----------------------------------------------
I m3dapp.cpp[0088]31/07 21:51:01 Starting up...
I m3dapp.cpp[1498]31/07 21:51:01 ExMachina - release version release build v1.02 (Dec 21 2005 12:15:10)
I Stackwalker.cpp[0608]31/07 21:51:01 Stackwalker: log file name will be 'd:/ex machina/exceptions/exmachina.exe0003.log'
I Stackwalker.cpp[0609]31/07 21:51:01 Stackwalker: dump file name will be 'd:/ex machina/exceptions/exmachina.exe0003.dmp'
I Stackwalker.cpp[0610]31/07 21:51:01 Stackwalker: game log file name will be 'd:/ex machina/exceptions/exmachina.exe0003_game.log'
I m3dapp.cpp[1391]31/07 21:51:01 Path: D:\Ex Machina
I m3dapp.cpp[1392]31/07 21:51:01 Exe: D:\Ex Machina\ExMachina.exe
I m3dapp.cpp[1401]31/07 21:51:01 Windows version: 5.1.2600
I m3dapp.cpp[1410]31/07 21:51:01 Computer name: COMPUTER
I m3dapp.cpp[1430]31/07 21:51:01 Cpu: GenuineIntel
I m3dapp.cpp[1434]31/07 21:51:01 Cpu clock: ~1729
I m3dapp.cpp[1459]31/07 21:51:01 Processor is mmx able
I m3dapp.cpp[1470]31/07 21:51:01 Physical memory: 1023 MB
I m3dapp.cpp[1471]31/07 21:51:01 Total memory: 2047 MB
I m3dapp.cpp[1472]31/07 21:51:01 Physical memory available: 1023 MB
I m3dapp.cpp[1473]31/07 21:51:01 Total memory available: 1612 MB
I m3dapp.cpp[2846]31/07 21:51:02 SetCodepage -- using codepage 1251 '1251 (ANSI - кириллица)'
I m3dapp.cpp[2154]31/07 21:51:02 NOTE! renderer is bind to dxrender9.dll
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Given device behavior: 80
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Confirmed device behavior: 80
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Description: Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Driver: igdumdx32.dll
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: VendorId: 0x8086
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: DeviceId: 0x2a02
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: SubSysId: 0xff641179
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Revision: 3
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Driver version info:
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Product: 8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Version: 15
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: SubVersion: 10
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Build: 1825
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: WHQLLevel: 0
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Texture max size: 4096x4096
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Guard band: (-8192.000,-8192.000,8192.000,8192.000)
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: MaxTextureBlendStages: 8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: MaxSimultaneousTextures: 8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: MaxActiveLights: 10
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: MaxUserClipPlanes: 6
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: VertexShaderVersion: 0xfffe0300
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: PixelShaderVersion: 0xffff0300
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Geometry instancing: supported
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Depth bias supported: yes
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Slope-scale based depth bias supported: yes
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: HwRasterization: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: HwTnL: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: PureDevice: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: CubeMap: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: VolumeMap: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: TextureAddressCaps:
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: wrap: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: clamp: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: border: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Projective textures: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: MaxPointSize: 256.000
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: MaxPrimitiveCount: 1048575
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: MaxVertexIndex: 16777215
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: MaxStreams: 16
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: MaxStreamsStride: 255
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: MaxAnisotropy: 16
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: MaxVertexBlendMatrices: 4
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: MaxVertexBlendMatrixIndex: 8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: FullScreenGamma: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: COLORWRITEENABLE: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: MASKZ: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: BLENDOP: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: CLIPPLANESCALEDPOINTS: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: CLIPTLVERTS: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: TSSARGTEMP: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: DIRECTIONALLIGHTS: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: LOCALVIEWER: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: POSITIONALLIGHTS: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: TEXGEN: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: TWEENING: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Dp3: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Lerp: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: MaxNpatchTessellationLevel: 0.000
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Query VCACHE support: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Query EVENT support: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Query OCCLUSION support: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Query TIMESTAMP support: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Query TIMESTAMPDISJOINT support: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Query TIMESTAMPFREQ support: true
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Query PIPELINETIMINGS support: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Query INTERFACETIMINGS support: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Query VERTEXTIMINGS support: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Query PIXELTIMINGS support: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Query BANDWIDTHTIMINGS support: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Query CACHEUTILIZATION support: false
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Creating or resetting the device
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Back buffer format: X8R8G8B8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Depth/stencil buffer format: D24S8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Stenciling: off
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Rgba textures format: DXT5
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Rgba no c. textures format: A8R8G8B8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: RgbA textures format: DXT5
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: RgbA no c. textures format: A4R4G4B4
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Rt textures format: A8R8G8B8
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Shadow textures format: R5G6B5
I m3dapp.cpp[1336]31/07 21:51:02 d3d: Rt depth format: D16
I m3dapp.cpp[2206]31/07 21:51:03 NOTE! input is bind to input_di8.dll
I m3dapp.cpp[1938]31/07 21:51:03 NOTE! sound is bind to sound.dll
I m3dapp.cpp[1350]31/07 21:51:03 input: Joystick not found
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 21:51:03 snd: Max sound channels available: 128
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 21:51:03 snd: Sound is inited successfully
I font.cpp[0976]31/07 21:51:04 FontManager: fonts are loaded successfully
I gameimpulse.cpp[0288]31/07 21:51:06 Key bindings: were inited successfully
I view32.cpp[0705]31/07 21:51:06 --- Init Media ---
I GameUiManager.cpp[0303]31/07 21:51:07 Interface: is initializing...
I GameUiManager.cpp[1580]31/07 21:51:07 Interface: clearing resource infos ...
I GameUiManager.cpp[1491]31/07 21:51:07 Interface: loading resource infos ...
I GameUiManager.cpp[1603]31/07 21:51:07 Interface: loading resources ...
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 21:51:07 snd: Error: Can't Open SoundFile:
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 21:51:07 snd: Cannot open sound stream from file . Error: File not found, flags: 8272
I GameUiManager.cpp[0395]31/07 21:51:08 Interface: is inited successfully
I LevelInfo.cpp[0806]31/07 21:51:08 Level infos were loaded successfully from file data\if\diz\LevelInfo.xml
I LevelInfo.cpp[0747]31/07 21:51:08 LevelInfoManager was inited successfully
I TruxxUiManager.cpp[0191]31/07 21:51:08 TruxxUiManager: was inited successfully
I gameimpulse.cpp[0618]31/07 21:51:10 Key bindings: unbind all is done
I gameimpulse.cpp[0324]31/07 21:51:10 Key bindings: were loaded successfully from file data\scripts\DefaultKeyBindings.lua
I gameimpulse.cpp[1194]31/07 21:51:10 Key bindings: were bind from defaults
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:51:12 FAILED(hr=80040255) in pGB->Render
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:51:12 FAILED(hr=80040255) in pGB->Render
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:51:12 FAILED(hr=80040255) in RenderOutputPins( g_pGB, g_pReader )
I view32_video.cpp[0061]31/07 21:51:12 Error: couldn't load video 'data\video\logobuka.wmv'
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:51:13 FAILED(hr=80040255) in pGB->Render
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:51:13 FAILED(hr=80040255) in pGB->Render
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:51:13 FAILED(hr=80040255) in RenderOutputPins( g_pGB, g_pReader )
I view32_video.cpp[0061]31/07 21:51:13 Error: couldn't load video 'data\video\logotargem.wmv'
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:51:13 FAILED(hr=80040255) in pGB->Render
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:51:14 FAILED(hr=80040255) in pGB->Render
I video.cpp[0400]31/07 21:51:14 FAILED(hr=80040255) in RenderOutputPins( g_pGB, g_pReader )
I view32_video.cpp[0061]31/07 21:51:14 Error: couldn't load video 'data\video\INTRO_RUS_FIELD.wmv'
I m3dapp.cpp[1808]31/07 21:51:14 ----------------------- Engine inited in: 0
I Profile.cpp[0602]31/07 21:51:14 Profile "dfasfdsa" set
I TruxxUiManager.cpp[1422]31/07 21:51:14 Game mode changed. Old mode = 3, new mode = 2
I gameimpulse.cpp[0618]31/07 21:51:14 Key bindings: unbind all is done
I scriptlet.cpp[0045]31/07 21:51:14 Could not open script file data\profiles\dfasfdsa\keybindings.lua
I gameimpulse.cpp[0318]31/07 21:51:14 Key bindings: loading error - (data\profiles\dfasfdsa\keybindings.lua @ 0): file not found or could not be read
I gameimpulse.cpp[1217]31/07 21:51:14 Key bindings: error loading from profile file; load defaults instead
I gameimpulse.cpp[0618]31/07 21:51:14 Key bindings: unbind all is done
I gameimpulse.cpp[0324]31/07 21:51:14 Key bindings: were loaded successfully from file data\scripts\DefaultKeyBindings.lua
I gameimpulse.cpp[1194]31/07 21:51:14 Key bindings: were bind from defaults
I SplashWnd.cpp[0244]31/07 21:51:17 Start splashing 11
I TruxxUiManager.cpp[1422]31/07 21:51:17 Game mode changed. Old mode = 2, new mode = 0
I GameUiManager.cpp[0405]31/07 21:51:17 Interface: is clearing...
I GameUiManager.cpp[0495]31/07 21:51:17 Interface: is cleared successfully
I view32.cpp[1048]31/07 21:51:17 -- Loading Level: data\maps\r1m1.ssl --
I world.cpp[0132]31/07 21:51:17 ----------------------- World Loading
F landscape.cpp[1674]31/07 21:51:17 +- Enter function: Landscape::Load()
I landscape.cpp[1911]31/07 21:51:18 | ----------------------- Normal map loaded in: 66
I landscape.cpp[1920]31/07 21:51:18 | ----------------------- Tiles loaded in: 283
I landscape.cpp[1944]31/07 21:51:18 | ----------------------- ShoreLine loaded in: 22
F landscape.cpp[1944]31/07 21:51:18 +- Exit function: Landscape::Load()
I world.cpp[0169]31/07 21:51:18 ----------------------- Landscape loaded in: 937
I DataServer.cpp[0587]31/07 21:51:18 Loading Servers: data\maps\r1m1\servers.xml
E serverAnimatedModel.cpp[0627]31/07 21:51:46 ServerAnimatedModels: cannot read file: file:data\models\AnimModels.xml id = pTurbo
I serverAnimatedModel.cpp[0630]31/07 21:51:46 ### Total time: 27207, GAM time: 24789
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 21:51:49 snd: Warning: 3D sound must be mono: 'data\sounds\Shooting\SmallGun\pfagot_shoot.wav'
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 21:51:49 snd: Warning: Invalid frequency: 44100 for sample 'data\sounds\Shooting\SmallGun\pfagot_shoot.wav'
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 21:51:49 snd: Warning: 3D sound must be mono: 'data\sounds\Shooting\BigGun\pomega_shoot.wav'
I m3dapp.cpp[1343]31/07 21:51:49 snd: Warning: Invalid frequency: 44100 for sample 'data\sounds\Shooting\BigGun\pomega_shoot.wav'
E serverSound.cpp[0293]31/07 21:51:51 MusicServer: cannot read file: data\sounds\sounds.xml id = 'S_WOODVEHICLEHIT'
I DataServer.cpp[0587]31/07 21:51:51 Loading Servers: data\models\commonservers.xml
Ну так ты игру адаптировал по HTA, которая у тебя стояла в момент сборки мода - естественно, что если файлы с EM различаются, то и падать будет EM.
"VikZest" писал(а):
открой свои файлы .xml* Internet Explorer 'ом